Tag Archives: Apple

Somehow Sorrow Is Just Not Enough

It is a moment of real sadness. We seemed to all know this man that gave us a new way to look at an apple, a new way to use a phone and a new way to be inspired. Steve Jobs who climbed high, fell down and climbed even higher, out of shear will and courage. He will be remembered. Probably always. With the vision of Walt Disney and the tenacity of Teddy Roosevelt, he made his mark on mankind. He touched us all. Somehow the world seems a little less wondrous. A light has gone out. I hope to see a new star in the skies tonight because sorrow is just not enough.

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Rumblings Inside Apple

Do you listen to the water-cooler chat about the latest and greatest news about our iDevices? I do. And there is some more chatter this morning. iLove my iPad!!!!

  • First, Apple has kept on a major portion of their Holiday staffing at their stores. In anticipation of what?
  • Second, Apple is restricting vacation time between the last week in January through the first half of February. In anticipation of what?
  • These seem indicative of something brewing.
  • Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Fortune all report iPhone for Verizon will be released January 2011
  • The release of the new iPad is expected imminently. Features such as camera-equipped, Face-Time Video Chat are expected.
  • What will that do to the stock price? The stock price has doubled in 4 years and is still on the climb

Posted in iPad, Uncategorized. Tagged with , , , .